Which is best for web development NodeJS or PHP?. As we know, the technology revolution will ever-changing the landscape of web development. Especially those who work in this field has been stick to the latest technology is essential.
But sometimes, web development is a complicated task because of various types of features we require. It has depended on the kind of project that you are going to develop for your clients.

In the article below, we are going to discuss well-known back-end programming technologies like PHP and NodeJs. How they differ from each other?
So let us deep dive into the topic,
Before we are going to discuss PHP vs NodeJS, few things we have to recall i.e.
PHP defined as Hypertext Preprocessor, and it is a popular open-source server-side scripting language. It is primarily used to build websites those embedded into HTML language. RASMUS LERDORF initially developed PHP in 1994. It is used as a general-purpose scripting language.
The PHP files contain an extension ".php"
Node.js is a popular server-side scripting platform built on Google JavaScript Chrome's V8 engine. It was originally developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009. Node.js defined as JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine. It used to create scalable and fast applications.
Node.js files have a “.js” extension and consist of the only JavaScript.
Server-side scripting is a technique, which is used to maintain website data more effectively. It enables to provide an alternative source for the webserver to deliver a static web page. Various scripting languages used to in server-side scripting.
Both languages have access to the Command interface via below mentioned commands.
For PHP: $php-i
For Node.js: $node
Basic Examples in PHP & Node.js
1. In PHP
//Printing Welcome to ProgrammerWithBasics in PHP language
echo "Welcome to ProgrammerWithBasics";
2. In Node.js
console.log('Welcome to ProgrammerWithBasics');
Synchronous code executes code line by line, if and only if current line executes then it will run the next line. If the current line shows any error then it will stop the execution process at that line.
Perhaps PHP is Synchronous, but some APIs integrated with PHP behave like asynchronously instead of synchronous. The main problem with Synchronous is understanding by a straightforward example.
Let us assume that the first line of code has a function that takes huge to execute. Now below the line of code is a wait to run for their time, only after the first execution success. It makes a slow execution process in PHP.
Asynchronous means execute all the code at the same time, if any error occurs in the code, it will show at the end.
Node.js language is Asynchronous in executing nature. It means the JS engine will run the entire code in the execution process and doesn't wait for function calling and returning. So Asynchronous makes Node.js fast and scalable.
A LAMP stack is a group of stack open-source platform, and it probably installed together to enable server-side maintenance for dynamic applications and websites. PHP plays vital in LAMP stack software environment.
LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
Mean Stack is one of the popular open-source platforms to develop web applications. It is also referred to as the collection of JavaScript-based technologies. Learning Mean Stack environment is easy compared to LAMP stack environment
MEAN is stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, Node.js.
The Node.js well handled the multiple concurrent requests; it makes it possible because it uses a non-blocking loop, which is going to use the single thread. But in PHP limits non-blocking process to serve the web services request. Perhaps any over lifting done by user-end, and they are processes multiple requests at the same time. The server is going to run out of the unresponsive application and causing delays in the HTTP response to the client-side Application/ Web.
Web servers include Apache & NGINX always have to enhance PHP multitasking performance to some measure, but these will be limited to less support for multitasking. Facebook released the HHVM project in 2014. It is primarily to remove this limitation from the PHP side.
As we already discussed PHP is a popular server-side scripting language, which enables to ease the process of backend development. There are many frameworks compatible with PHP, which helps to build server-side coding for backend development. Some of the important frameworks are Laravel, CakePHP, Codelgniter, etc. These will provide robust backend support for web development.
Frameworks like full-stack MVC frameworks Derby and Meteor are the most popular to build web servers with Node.js
The new frameworks which include Koa.js,total.js, hapi.js, sails.js etc. are also extensively used to build web servers.
But sometimes, web development is a complicated task because of various types of features we require. It has depended on the kind of project that you are going to develop for your clients.

In the article below, we are going to discuss well-known back-end programming technologies like PHP and NodeJs. How they differ from each other?
So let us deep dive into the topic,
Before we are going to discuss PHP vs NodeJS, few things we have to recall i.e.
What is PHP?
PHP defined as Hypertext Preprocessor, and it is a popular open-source server-side scripting language. It is primarily used to build websites those embedded into HTML language. RASMUS LERDORF initially developed PHP in 1994. It is used as a general-purpose scripting language.
The PHP files contain an extension ".php"
What is Node.JS?
Node.js is a popular server-side scripting platform built on Google JavaScript Chrome's V8 engine. It was originally developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009. Node.js defined as JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine. It used to create scalable and fast applications.
Node.js files have a “.js” extension and consist of the only JavaScript.
What is Server-side Scripting?
Server-side scripting is a technique, which is used to maintain website data more effectively. It enables to provide an alternative source for the webserver to deliver a static web page. Various scripting languages used to in server-side scripting.
Syntax Structure & Access to Command Line
Both languages have access to the Command interface via below mentioned commands.
For PHP: $php-i
For Node.js: $node
Basic Examples in PHP & Node.js
1. In PHP
//Printing Welcome to ProgrammerWithBasics in PHP language
echo "Welcome to ProgrammerWithBasics";
2. In Node.js
console.log('Welcome to ProgrammerWithBasics');
PHP Synchronous Code
Synchronous code executes code line by line, if and only if current line executes then it will run the next line. If the current line shows any error then it will stop the execution process at that line.
Perhaps PHP is Synchronous, but some APIs integrated with PHP behave like asynchronously instead of synchronous. The main problem with Synchronous is understanding by a straightforward example.
Let us assume that the first line of code has a function that takes huge to execute. Now below the line of code is a wait to run for their time, only after the first execution success. It makes a slow execution process in PHP.
Node.js Asynchronous Code
Asynchronous means execute all the code at the same time, if any error occurs in the code, it will show at the end.
Node.js language is Asynchronous in executing nature. It means the JS engine will run the entire code in the execution process and doesn't wait for function calling and returning. So Asynchronous makes Node.js fast and scalable.
A LAMP stack is a group of stack open-source platform, and it probably installed together to enable server-side maintenance for dynamic applications and websites. PHP plays vital in LAMP stack software environment.
LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
Node.js in MEAN STACK
Mean Stack is one of the popular open-source platforms to develop web applications. It is also referred to as the collection of JavaScript-based technologies. Learning Mean Stack environment is easy compared to LAMP stack environment
MEAN is stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, Node.js.
Major Modules in PHP and NodeJS
1. Multitasking
The Node.js well handled the multiple concurrent requests; it makes it possible because it uses a non-blocking loop, which is going to use the single thread. But in PHP limits non-blocking process to serve the web services request. Perhaps any over lifting done by user-end, and they are processes multiple requests at the same time. The server is going to run out of the unresponsive application and causing delays in the HTTP response to the client-side Application/ Web.
Web servers include Apache & NGINX always have to enhance PHP multitasking performance to some measure, but these will be limited to less support for multitasking. Facebook released the HHVM project in 2014. It is primarily to remove this limitation from the PHP side.
2. Frameworks
As we already discussed PHP is a popular server-side scripting language, which enables to ease the process of backend development. There are many frameworks compatible with PHP, which helps to build server-side coding for backend development. Some of the important frameworks are Laravel, CakePHP, Codelgniter, etc. These will provide robust backend support for web development.
Frameworks like full-stack MVC frameworks Derby and Meteor are the most popular to build web servers with Node.js
The new frameworks which include Koa.js,total.js, hapi.js, sails.js etc. are also extensively used to build web servers.
Read 6 Facts Everyone Should Know About Web Design
Web server extension in PHP before 5.4 is LAMP and XAMPP (Cross-platform, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) servers are to be used to set up. But in the new version, there is an inbuilt server PHP is used.
PHP Server starting example
// below code used to start the PHP server
$ php -S localhost:8000
// file code of index.js
echo 'Welcome, Programmingwithbasics';
Node.js was originally developed for the network type of applications. It ships some core modules like DNS, Http, and file system, etc. Which helps to develop fully customized web servers
Node.js server starting code
$ node app.js
// source code for app.js
var http
= require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type' : 'text/plain' });
res.end('Hi codegeeky\n');
.listen(8080, '');
console.log('ProgrammingWithBasics Server running at');
Node.js mostly used to develop highly scalable server-side applications because of its event-driven model and non-blocking I/O. Extensively used in Real-time applications like chatbot applications, video streaming applications, and blogs. Used in creating single page application portals like individual websites, and resume portfolios etc.
PHP is used in collaboration with relational/traditional databases like MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. Perhaps some of the NoSQL databases systems also work with PHP, but they are not well-known.
Node.js is perfectly working with NoSQL databases like CouchDB, MongoDB, and Neo4j(Graph database systems). NPM packages of Node.js are available on the NPM registry.
Major companies around the world using these languages for their server-side scripting, and some of them are listed below.
As we have discussed earlier, both PHP and Node.js have their pros and cons. Now the last question is about "who wins the Epic Battle?."
It only depends on what type of project we require,
For example, event-based and asynchronous of Node.js is a great fit for Real-time Applications (RTA), because it has provided instant messaging features & Collaborative video streaming services etc.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anjaneyulu-naini/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/anjinaini
3. Web Servers
Web server extension in PHP before 5.4 is LAMP and XAMPP (Cross-platform, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) servers are to be used to set up. But in the new version, there is an inbuilt server PHP is used.
PHP Server starting example
// below code used to start the PHP server
$ php -S localhost:8000
// file code of index.js
echo 'Welcome, Programmingwithbasics';
Node.js was originally developed for the network type of applications. It ships some core modules like DNS, Http, and file system, etc. Which helps to develop fully customized web servers
Node.js server starting code
$ node app.js
// source code for app.js
var http
= require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type' : 'text/plain' });
res.end('Hi codegeeky\n');
.listen(8080, '');
console.log('ProgrammingWithBasics Server running at');
4. Domain Applications
Node.js mostly used to develop highly scalable server-side applications because of its event-driven model and non-blocking I/O. Extensively used in Real-time applications like chatbot applications, video streaming applications, and blogs. Used in creating single page application portals like individual websites, and resume portfolios etc.
5. DataBases
PHP is used in collaboration with relational/traditional databases like MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. Perhaps some of the NoSQL databases systems also work with PHP, but they are not well-known.
Node.js is perfectly working with NoSQL databases like CouchDB, MongoDB, and Neo4j(Graph database systems). NPM packages of Node.js are available on the NPM registry.
6. Applications Comparison
Major companies around the world using these languages for their server-side scripting, and some of them are listed below.
PHP advantages
- A Strong and Flexible Codebase
- Easy Integration & Deployment
- A Right Fit for Web Development
- Open-source
- Platform Independent
- Simple & Easy
- Maintenance
- Flexible Support
- Database Testing
NodeJS Advantages
- Real-Time Web Development
- Single Technology Across an Application
- Community Support
- Easy Scalability
- Easy to Learn Node.JS
- Used as Single programming language
- The advantage of Full Stack Benefit
- High performance
- Highly Extensible
As we have discussed earlier, both PHP and Node.js have their pros and cons. Now the last question is about "who wins the Epic Battle?."
It only depends on what type of project we require,
For example, event-based and asynchronous of Node.js is a great fit for Real-time Applications (RTA), because it has provided instant messaging features & Collaborative video streaming services etc.
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- 8 Research-Backed Web Design Tips to Design a Website
- Different Uses of a Vertical Grid in Web Design
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anjaneyulu-naini/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/anjinaini
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