
5 Things to Do When You’re on an Internet Break

It’s amazing how much value the internet has added to our lives. It has become so important that it seems almost impossible to live without it. Checking up on your friends and family, corresponding with your business associates? Ordering food, and keeping a check on the weather. The internet is here for you. This is, of course, only possible if you have a reliable internet connection where you aren’t trying on different hacks every time to get the internet working.

5 Things to Do When You’re on an Internet Break

CenturyLink Internet is one of the best in the business with no data caps, credit checks, and contracts. It lets you enjoy speeds of up to 1Gbps depending on your location. On the off-chance that their internet isn’t working, CenturyLink customer service will do a good job of restoring your internet connection, while you go on a much-needed internet break. It’s a win-win.

While the advantages may be countless, there are a few downsides to it as well, if you don’t use it responsibly. It can also get overwhelming at times when your phone doesn’t stop ringing. Whatever the case, regulating your internet usage with some tips can help mitigate a lot of the potential downsides.

Top 5 Things to Do When You’re on an Internet Break 

Here are our top five recommendations for when you’re on an internet break.

1. Reconnect With Nature

Prof Catharine Ward Thompson from the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture stated in a study that people who live closer to green spaces tend to be happier than those who live away from greenery. Multiple other studies have also found that spending as much as 15 minutes in nature can significantly reduce cortisol (stress hormone).

To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, “there I feel that nothing can befall me in life, no disgrace, no calamity, (leaving me my eyes,) which nature cannot repair.” Spending more time in nature can also lead to a reduced risk of depression and cardiovascular diseases.

The way we can do this is by putting aside some time for nature. It can be a morning walk in the nearby park, or you can do an evening stroll to relieve the stress. Moreover, a walk in the morning could have several other benefits like regulating your hormones and putting you in a relaxed state of mind. That will help you focus more on the tasks later in the day and be more productive.

2. Acquire a New Skill

If you’ve ever read a self-help book, this might sound familiar, and there’s a good reason for that. It doesn’t matter what kind of work you do regularly, acquiring a skill can help strengthen your brain’s prefrontal cortex and make you more confident. It might be learning a new language, learning how to play a musical instrument, or acquiring that certification that you’ve been eyeing for a few months.

Firstly, a new skill can directly or indirectly improve your work performance. Since our world is rapidly evolving, most businesses prefer people with diversified skillset. This enables them to tackle a large set of problems without having to spend additional resources.

Secondly, your new skill can also become your hobby. There was this post from McKenzie’s regional directors where he pointed out that a full-time surgeon was also a part of one of their teams. He would work on the weekends with them and do management consulting just because he liked it and had the relevant skills. That could just as easily have been you.

3. The People in Your Life

Our interpersonal relationships with some people are the first to get affected as we grow older. Our lives keep getting busier and we don’t get enough time to tend to our friends and family, especially if our work doesn’t coincide with theirs. It’s like living in different worlds.

However, that shouldn’t diminish the fact that they are part of a social circle and family, and spending some time with them will bring joy to both of you. Moreover, spending time with older people like your grandparents can also widen your perspective. You could also learn from their experiences and make better decisions instead of starting from scratch and making the same mistakes.

4. Outdoor Activities/Exercise

Going on a hike, bicycle rides, hitting the gym, or doing callisthenics can make your body stronger by fortifying your immunity. You could also try gardening or volunteering at community service centres and charities. However, it’s important to choose something you like doing so that it doesn’t seem like an additional work burden and is more like recreational work or a hobby that can be enjoyed.

5. Give Some Time to Yourself

Self-reflection and introspection are often overlooked owing to our busy schedules. But it’s equally important to take some time for yourself and do whatever you feel like doing. Alternatively, you could go on a little break and reflect on how far you have come as a person. This will include your achievements in both personal and professional areas of your life. Moreover, you will also realize the areas that need more work to help you become a better person.


That’s a wrap on our list of the top five things to do when you’re on a break. Above mentioned tips can help relieve your stress, improve your mental health, make you more sociable, and increase your efficiency. Please keep in mind that your mental health is equally important as your work. You can’t function properly if you aren’t thinking straight.
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