
Liferay Theme Development: A Helpful Tutorial for Professionals and Beginners

As a business owner, it is essential that you provide your customers with the best form of service, including how customers see your website. Particularly for a business where most services are done online, having a unique outlook on your website, especially using Liferay theme development, is a plus.

Themes make up your website design, and they must make your audience want to stay on your website. Hence the importance of this Liferay theme development tutorial that takes you through the steps involved in building up the themes for a responsive site. As a beginner or a website design professional, Liferay DXP theme development makes your job easy and timely with the use of custom theme development in Liferay to enhance the appearance of your website, making it appealing to your audience.

Liferay Theme Development

Choosing a suitable theme or setting out to create a theme for your site can be challenging, especially for beginners, so Liferay provides custom themes to aid your theme development. Also, for professionals looking to develop themes but in less time than usual, Liferay DXP theme development suffices.

Why You Need to Develop a Theme for Your Business

Liferay naturally provides a default theme for your website, and they look great. However, it’s advisable to create a custom theme for your website. You can do this by adjusting to the default theme or creating an entirely different theme (which is the better option). Here is why developing a custom theme is vital for your business.

1. Customization

No matter how similar two businesses might look, every business is unique. If your business is unique, so should your designs. This is why it’s necessary to build a theme that speaks for your business and not rely on default themes, which could be used by anyone and is not business-specific.

2. To Convey Your Message to Your Audience

Your website should be able to pass a message across to your audience concerning what your business offers. Your business’s abilities should be clearly stated in your website’s layout, and choosing a suitable theme for your website design would help you achieve this.

The great idea is to have your audience stay glued to your page long enough to know how your business benefits them; this is why your website has to be aesthetically pleasing and its details easy to understand. You achieve this with the use of themes too.

A Liferay 7 Theme development example is setting up fonts for your website, and some tools needed for theme development are java, Liferay Workspace, Liferay Theme Generator, Yeoman, and Gulp. Now, let’s go through the required steps to develop your Liferay custom theme.

Liferay Theme Development Tutorial: Step-by-Step

Here are the guidelines on how to create a theme in Liferay 7

  1. The first step toward generating a theme is installing a theme generator. Start by installing Node.js, Liferay 7.1 supports the v8.10.0 version, so it is advisable to install this version of NodeJS. Node Package Manager(npm) is also installed. To install the Generator, use the npm i-g generator-Liferay-theme command.
  2. Install Yeoman using the npm i-g yo command.
  3. To create your theme, browse the other “themes” directory using the yo Liferay-theme command and answer the questions by choosing a theme name, theme ID, and theme version, and state whether or not you would want the font awesome in your theme.
  4. You would also be asked to “select your deployment strategy,” “enter the path to your app server directory,” and “enter the URL to your production or development site.” To begin theme development after creating your theme, under the gitignore file, make sure that all the local files under the “Liferay-theme.json” file are filled incorrectly.
  5. Install gulp with npm
  6. Deploy your new theme with a gulp. Use the gulp build command followed by gulp deploy.
  7. You will receive a message confirming that your theme has been deployed successfully.


A theme determines your website’s style. Therefore, creating a theme for your website is crucial as it determines how your audience views your product(s) or service(s) and what purchases they make. This Liferay theme development tutorial guides you on steps to take to create just the best theme for your business website. As a beginner or professional, Liferay theme development helps you attract visitors to your website.
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