
Brief Way of Developing an App from a Crowdfunding Strategy

Crowdfunding has become famous for financing innovative projects, including app development. This article provides a comprehensive overview of developing an app through a crowdfunding strategy. From ideation to launch, we will explore the critical steps involved in leveraging crowdfunding to bring your app idea to life.

What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a method of raising capital from many individuals, typically through online platforms. It enables entrepreneurs to showcase their projects, engage with potential backers, and secure financial support. 

In app development, crowdfunding offers a unique opportunity to gather funds from a community of individuals who believe in your app's potential.

How is Crowdfunding Productive?

Crowdfunding provides several benefits for app development projects:

  1. It allows you to validate your app idea by gauging market interest and obtaining financial commitments.

  2. It enables you to build a community of supporters and potential users who can provide valuable feedback and spread the word about your app.

  3. Crowdfunding can be a marketing tool, generating buzz and publicity for your app even before its launch.

How Does Crowdfunding Work?

Crowdfunding platforms allow entrepreneurs to create campaigns to pitch their app ideas to potential backers. These campaigns typically include a description of the app, its features, target audience, funding goals, and rewards for backers. Backers can contribute funds and, in return, receive exclusive perks or early access to the app. The campaign's success depends on attracting and engaging potential backers.

Thirdly, crowdfunding provides a unique opportunity to engage directly with your target audience and build a community of dedicated supporters. Through the crowdfunding campaign, you can connect with potential users, gather valuable feedback, and involve them in the app development. This early engagement helps refine your app and creates a sense of ownership and loyalty among backers, who become advocates for your app even after its launch.

Moreover, crowdfunding is a powerful marketing tool, allowing you to generate buzz and create awareness about your app before it hits the market. A well-executed crowdfunding campaign can attract media attention, garner press coverage, and create a positive brand image for your app. This exposure can significantly increase the visibility of your app, attracting more users and potential investors down the line.

Another advantage of crowdfunding is the opportunity to leverage the expertise and networks of your backers. Many backers in crowdfunding campaigns come from diverse backgrounds, including industry experts, influencers, and potential strategic partners. By involving them in your project, you can tap into their knowledge, experience, and connections, opening doors to collaborations, mentorship, and business opportunities that can further enhance the success of your app.

Types of Crowdfunding for App Development

  1. Reward-based Crowdfunding: Backers contribute funds in exchange for exclusive rewards or perks related to the app, such as early access, limited edition merchandise, or personalized experiences.

  2. Equity-based Crowdfunding: Investors receive equity or shares in the app development project in exchange for their financial contributions. This method is typically regulated and involves compliance with securities laws.

  3. Donation-based Crowdfunding: Backers contribute funds from pure support or belief in the app's mission or cause. There are no expected returns or rewards, but backers are motivated by the app's potential impact.

  4. Debt-based Crowdfunding: In this type of crowdfunding, backers provide loans to the app development project, which will be repaid with interest over a specified period. Debt-based crowdfunding can be an attractive option for app developers who prefer to avoid giving up equity but still require financial support.

  5. Pre-selling Crowdfunding: This approach involves offering the app or its related products/services for pre-sale to backers. By pledging funds, backers secure early access to the app or its upgraded features once it is developed and released. This crowdfunding type generates revenue, helps validate market demand, and builds a user base before the app is officially launched.

  6. Royalty-based Crowdfunding: In royalty-based crowdfunding, backers contribute funds in exchange for a share of future revenue generated by the app. This revenue-sharing arrangement incentivizes backers to support the app and earn a return on their investment as it gains popularity and generates income.

  7. Hybrid Crowdfunding: Hybrid crowdfunding combines the abovementioned types, allowing app developers to leverage various models to attract a broader range of backers. For example, a campaign might offer a mix of rewards, equity shares, and pre-selling options to cater to different types of backers and their preferences.

From Idea to App: Navigating the Crowdfunding Route

Understanding the Crowdfunding Landscape

Before diving into app development, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the crowdfunding landscape. Explore crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or GoFundMe, and understand their guidelines, requirements, and success stories related to app projects. Gain insights into successful app crowdfunding campaigns and learn from their strategies to enhance your own.

Defining Your App Concept

To attract potential backers, you need a compelling app concept. Clearly define your app's purpose, target audience, unique selling points, and potential benefits. Conduct market research to assess your app's demand and identify potential competitors. This will help you refine your concept and make it more appealing to potential backers.

Setting Realistic Funding Goals

Partnering with a reputable https://mlsdev.com/blog/app-development-cost can help determine the financial requirements for your app development project. Measure the cost of building an app and create a detailed budget covering development, marketing, and contingency funds. Set a realistic funding goal that considers your app's scope and complexity, ensuring it aligns with your resources and the expectations of potential backers.

Crafting an Engaging Crowdfunding Campaign

Develop a compelling crowdfunding campaign that effectively communicates your app's value proposition. Use persuasive storytelling techniques, engaging visuals, and informative videos to captivate potential backers. Clearly outline your app's features, benefits, and impact, and offer enticing rewards to encourage contributions. Leverage social media platforms and online communities to spread the word and generate buzz around your campaign.

Building a Prototype or MVP

Consider building a prototype or Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to showcase your app's potential. A prototype gives potential backers a glimpse of your app's functionality and user experience. An MVP, on the other hand, offers a functional version of your app with core features. This demonstration of progress and viability can boost the credibility and attractiveness of your crowdfunding campaign.

Engaging with Backers and Gathering Feedback

During the crowdfunding campaign, actively engage with your backers and potential users. Respond to inquiries, address concerns, and provide regular updates on the app's development progress. Encourage backers to give feedback and suggestions, fostering a sense of community and involvement. This interaction enhances backer satisfaction and helps you refine your app based on valuable insights.

Collaborating with Development Experts

Once your crowdfunding campaign reaches its funding goal, it's time to collaborate with experienced app development professionals. Engage a reputable development team or agency that specializes in mobile app development. Work closely with them to translate your app concept into a fully functional, user-friendly, and visually appealing application. Regularly communicate with the development team, track progress, and provide feedback to ensure the app aligns with your vision.


Developing an app through a crowdfunding strategy offers a unique pathway to transform your idea into reality. By understanding the crowdfunding landscape, defining your app concept, setting realistic funding goals, crafting an engaging campaign, building a prototype or MVP, engaging with backers, and collaborating with development experts, you can successfully navigate the app development process while leveraging the power of crowdfunding. Embrace this innovative approach and turn your app idea into a reality that resonates with users and captures the attention of potential backers.

Author’s bio: Anastasiia Lastovetska is a technology writer at MLSDev, a software development company that builds web & mobile app solutions from scratch. She researches the area of technology to create great content about app development, UX/UI design, tech & business consulting.

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