
What are the Differences Between the List and Tuple in Python?

Difference Between List and Tuple in Python. If you are finding the answer to the question: What are the differences between lists and tuples in Python? Do not hesitate to read this article. It will help you reach your goal. Let’s start now! What is the difference between list and tuples in Python?

What are the Differences Between the List and Tuple in Python

1. What is the Python List?

In Python, lists are used to store the order of several serial types of data. We can alter their elements after they have been created since Python lists are changeable types. Although Python has six data types that may hold sequences, the list is the most popular and dependable form. Difference Between List And Tuple are below,

An assortment of values or things of various categories can be referred to as a list. The list's items are surrounded in square brackets [ ] and separated by commas (,). list and tuple in python, Lists make it easy to iterate over several things at once by using a loop.

A list makes it simple to add, remove, and move objects around at any time because it is dynamic. If you want to expand your knowledge, let’s learn more about Python lists on LearnshareIT.

2. What is the Python Tuple?

A Python tuple is a group of items that are separated by commas. The repetition of a tuple and indexing, nested objects are similar to those of a list. However, a tuple is immutable. Tuples allow several elements to be stored in a single variable.

Four built-in data types in Python are the tuple, set, list, and dictionary, each with a unique set of features and applications. A tuple is a fixed, ordered collection enclosed in rounded brackets.

3. Difference Between List and Tuple in Python

A class of data structures in Python called a list and tuple that can hold one or more values or objects. Square brackets may be used to make lists, and lists are used to store several elements in a single variable. Similarly, tuples may hold several things in a single variable and are defined using parentheses. Difference Between List And Tuple.

One difference between a list and a tuple is their modifying nature. Lists may be modified, while tuples cannot. This non-modifying nature of tuples is the reason why tuples are considered strong memories. Lists and tuples also have differing numbers of methods available; for example, lists have 46 methods whereas tuples only have 33. There are many built-in Python methods for lists that can be used to execute operations on the list but are not possible with tuples.

The syntax of a tuple and a list is different as well. For example, items in lists are surrounded by square brackets [], whereas those in tuples are enclosed in parentheses (). Storage space is used up more by the list than by the tuples. Additionally, lists take longer to create and access than tuples do.

In addition to their differences in mutability, their variable sizes also differ from one another. A tuple has a fixed size while a list has a variable one.

Although lists and tuples have numerous differences, they also have some similarities, as shown in the following:

  • Both two data structures are collections of items in a sequence data type.
  • They can store forms of any data type.
  • The index provides access to the items.

There is only one distinction between lists and tuples. That is, tuples operations are error-free, but list operations are more prone to errors.


We trust that after reading this article, you will grasp the distinctions between lists and tuples in Python. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. We will help you. Thank you for reading!
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