
C++ Program To Read Infinite Number And Sort In Ascending Order Using Pointer

Problem:- Write A C++ Program To Read Infinite Number Then Arrange Ascending Order Using Pointer or write a c++ program to arrange the given numbers in ascending order using pointers or sort array of pointers c++ or program to sort an array in ascending order using pointers in c++ or sorting using pointers in c++ or bubble sort using pointers c++ or insertion sort using pointers c++ or array using pointers in c++ or c++ program to sort an array using pointers or c++ program to sort an array using pointers or write a c++ program to arrange the given numbers in ascending order using pointers or program to sort an array in ascending order using pointers in c++ or sorting using pointers c++ code or sort array of pointers c++ or sorting an array using pointers in c++

Check This:- Hacker rank solution for Strings, Classes, STL, Inheritance in C++.

Logic:- We are using Malloc and realloc (reallocated memory during runtime ) after getting -1 stop inserting numbers and then use an any sorting algorithm and print the element of the array. if you don't know any sorting algorithm then you have to check here 


Also Check:- Geeksforgeeks solution for School, Basic, Easy, Medium, Hard in C++.

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using namespace std;

int main()
  /*visit - programmingwithbasis.com*/
  int *p,*q,i=1,j,k,temp;
  cout<<"Enter Infinite Numbers and (-1 To Stop Reading)\n";

    cout<<"\nAscending Order Is Given Below \n\n";

    cout<<" "<<p[j];


c program to sort elements of array using pointers

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